Wednesday, June 16, 2010


We're finally on our way. Hooray! This is an old picture, but here's Tequila on Lake Michigan. We met our Colorado friend, Cyndi McChesney, on Sunday, and set sail (read that as motored) out of Narragansett Bay and into the Sakonnet River on 6-21-10. We're accustomed to Indian names in Michigan, but the Odawa speak differently than the indians in this area. We're having some difficulty pronouncing Waquoit, Quissett, Apponaug, Naushon, Pocasett, etc., and understanding them when spoken with the Rhode Island accent. We often have to be corrected.

We found a mooring in a quiet little harbor called Sachuest Cove for our first night "on the road." As we settled down for Cyndi's first night aboard, I was worried that our "night noises"(might also be known as snoring) might keep her awake. Instead it was the Invasion of the Mosquito Brigade. Thousands, or so it seemed, of those buzzing biting bugs were dive bombing any part of our bodies that was uncovered. The ATTACK mode would force us to cover our heads with the sheet until the heat and carbon monoxide would force us to poke our noses out. Word spread quickly and the ATTACK mode was put in gear quickly. Lou, Cyndi, and I all suffered in silence thinking that the other two were fast asleep. It wasn't until morning that we realized we were all swatting at those little buggers. It was after 1 am before the army moved on and we got to sleep. You can imagine how happy we were when the Harbormaster was banging on the boat at 6:30 am to collect his fee. Some days are just like that!
Cyndi's a good boat buddy who's willing to put up with no shower for a couple of days, water conservation, and many trips up and down the companionway steps.
The second night was at Cuttyhunk Island and found us prepared for the Mosquito Brigade. Screens were in place, all ports without screens were closed, and we sprayed with Deep Woods Off (should be renamed Ocean Off). No mosquitoes this night......only a huge rain storm that got the head pretty wet because we left the hatch up for air. Still it wasn't as bad as the biting bugs.
Now we're at Martha's Vineyard for the night and enjoying the cute town of Vineyard Haven.

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