Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Fog comes when least expected or at the most inconvenient times. We had planned to leave Portland between 6 and 7 am this morning, however we can't see the boats right next to us in the mooring field. Now is a good time to revise the schedule.

I woke up this morning thinking about our week on Mt. Desert Island and realized that I hadn't written some of my favorite memories.

*Taking the kids 2 by 2 out to spend the night on the boat. Ryan was so excited about his very first time sleeping on the boat that he talked non-stop as we dingy-ed through pea-soup fog to the mooring.

Jon-boy had tons of questions and beat Papa (Lou) in the fastest game of War I've ever seen.
Kyle and Jon-boy got to have a sleep-over on the boat and had a great time together. I couldn't believe how quickly they all settled down when it was lights out. It seems that we all went to bed by 9 pm.

*Brady had no problem adjusting to the sounds of the boat motor and took great naps on our bed while we got the sails ready. It was a contest to see which parent volunteered for the nap duty.

Kate came to the boat by herself. She's the oldest and the only girl so she got the bed all to herself. She played Farkle with me. I loved watching Kate entertain Brady. He loved it too.

*Lou made friends with a perfect stranger who was drawing at a picnic table. He has a new interest in painting/drawing and may be developing a new hobby.

*Lisa designed really funny (and gross) relay races in the backyard.
*Jon helped me with my bike on the 6 mile ride in Acadia National Park. As it turned out, the right side gears completely "blew out" and I had to pedal in "1". The group was always waiting for me to catch up. :-(
*I loved planning the Pirate Treasure Hunt and making the official treasure map on the boat. The best part was that the kids loved it. They drank swill and yelled Arrrrrgh when the rules were read.......no fighting, no gambling, keep your weapons, clean, no brushing teeth, etc. Even the parents put eye patches on and went on the walk through town. They were all laughing by the time they got back and discovered the treasure. Ryan kept asking if I could make up another treasure hunt for them.
*We had two fun sails with the group. Sharon is a sailor-in-the-making. She wanted all the sails up and even tried badgering Lisa into flying the spinnaker. It didn't work.
*We're so happy that we were included in the memory making vacation with these two young families.
On another note, Dave Himes discovered his true identity while in Boothbay Harbor. He thinks he is a "pareidoletist" (sp?). That's a condition of the brain that sees shapes in vague stimulus like driftwood or clouds. Must be a talent. All these years people thought he was daydreaming.
Dave introduced us to Jane and Bill Berry who now live in Old Orchard Beach, Maine. Jane invited us for dinner and Bill drove us around Old Orchard Beach and to and from Portland. They seemed to enjoy their afternoon sail, and we certainly enjoyed a home cooked dinner.
Speaking of dinners......if you are ever in Portland, go to a tiny little restaurant called The Front Room on Congress Street. The meals are FABULOUS!!! Thank you Dave for dinner.

Bill and Jane Berry

The Front Room restaurant - Donna, Bill Himes, Lou, Bill and Jane Berry

The fog is lifting and the captain has decided it's time to move, so guess that means it's time to end the blog.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful adventure the two of you are having! Color me jealous :) So fun to read!
