Sunday, July 12, 2009


Sorry you are getting two blogs at the same time. Somehow I lost them in the "draft" section.

July 12, 2009

Did you think that The Great Adventure would concern events only on the water? Tonight we decided to treat ourselves to dinner out and picked the Anchor Bar which is where Buffalo Chicken Wings were discovered/developed/created. They were really good, but the story is in the cab rides there and back. The first cab driver got lost and couldn't find us. He felt so bad about keeping us waiting that he turned off his meter before we got to the bar. The second cab driver who brought us back to the boat had no idea where the marina was located either. So, he talked non-stop and drove like a race track driver. He also turned off his meter. I felt like I had whiplash.

It's been so fun to get feed back from so many of you about the blog. Thanks for reading it. We're hoping to get the mast pulled on Monday, 7-13, and head for Michigan on Tuesday. However, as with all our plans, everything is subject to change.

July 15, 2009

The mast pulling went without a hitch. The guys were good......but not as good as the Irish Boat Shop crew. Still, we have no complaints. Lou and I spent the entire day getting the sails down and prepping it to be pulled and then wrapping the shrouds and halyards to the mast. We were pooped. My hat goes off to the people who do this day after day.

This is my good will story. In Erie a few days ago a Hunter 33 docked behind us. It was a young family with two children - 9 and 10. That was just the time we started sailing with Matt and Lisa. We exchanged some stories, he gave us some advise on where to dock in Buffalo, and we sailed away. They have met up with us again, helped us get to the airport to pick up a rental car, and given us directions. I hope we see them again!

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