Monday, August 24, 2009

Milford, CT

This is the actual depth sounder on our boat. We docked at the Milford Yacht Club in 12.5 feet of water at high tide. At low tide this is what our depth sounder said the water level was. Hummmmm-----our boat "needs" 7.5 feet of water for the keel to be floating safely. So, I guess we are deep in mud!
We left Westport, CT, where we waited out our first hurricane......Bill. It amounted to a few thunderstorms and lots of rain (that translates to wet cushions, damp starboard bunk, and soggy towels that Lou used to soak up the drips.) Here he is in Milford getting ready for Happy Hour. What a guy!

This is a very cute harbor. The city has put floating docks down the center of the river to add more dock space. We are at a dock at the Milford Yacht Club and just as safe as can be and an easy walk to the pool. Yea!.
It is too hot and humid to make me a happy camper. Tomorrow we'll load up the bikes with the laundry and pedal off to town to the laundromat. Nothing on a boat is simple. But, there are some really nice sides to it. I'll tell you more (or not) later.

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